
November 22 I turned 56 years old. I think back through the years a lot of the times when these milestones come by. There have been a lot of joys, some sorrows, some surprises, some difficult times. Some important lessons have been learned along the way. I've changed quite a bit along the way too. I've had to realize that people are more important than things. I've had to learn what it truly means to forgive (thanks, Brant Hansen for the book). I've had to learn to put my desires behind others (still need work in these areas) and to love them as I love myself (still a work in progress). I've found that being able to forgive is a key to being able to live a life without carrying the baggage of the past with you. It really lightens the load when you can set that baggage down and leave it behind.

Now, none of these things I've learned on my own. God brought people into my life to help me in this journey. They have come and gone at various times through my life with some that have been lifelong influences and were there at key moments. He also has provided opportunities for me to grow and He has had a hand in teaching me through His Book and the life circumstances that have arisen to which it has been applied.

You see, I've really had a Wonderful Life, as is expressed in Frank Cappa's fantastic movie. It's not always been easy or great but it has been wonderful for I do believe that God works all things for good for those that are called according to His purpose. Even the wrongs will be righted one day. It maybe after I'm finished here on earth and in heaven but it will happen.

I expect that the difficulties will still come in the times ahead and I'll have more lessons to learn and some to re-learn but even still, its a wonderful life. I hope I can keep that in mind always. God is rich in mercy and willing to forgive all who will come to Jesus Christ in faith.

Don Cotton